Enjoy Your Family Time With These 7 Fun Ideas On Thanksgiving

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On Thanksgiving, the juicy, golden-brown bird takes over the stage. However, there is a lot of holiday time that needs to be filled in with before and after the delicious meal.

While the entire family is together, it’s great to plan some activities and see what new things come up for discussion. Here, we’ve got you covered! Pick from our roundup of family-friendly Thanksgiving fun games and activities, and rest assured that the festivities will go perfectly. From cooking delicious Thanksgiving treats to more seasonal games such as Thanksgiving bean bag toss and Thanksgiving Bingo, there’s something for everyone to partake in!

1. Make Rice Krispie Turkey Treats

This cute little sweet delight puts a twist on the conventional Rice Krispie Treat and serves both as a craft and dessert. All you need is Rice Krispies, marshmallows, and butter, as well as some candy corn, Reese’s pieces, or M&Ms to give your treats that additional Turkey Day look.

2. Show your Thanksgiving Gesture with Kindness

Thanksgiving notes
Image Source – Pixabay 

What is thanksgiving if you aren’t thankful for your blessings? Acknowledge what you are grateful for and show your gratitude with kindness to the people close to your heart. You can show your love by baking amazing pies, sharing Thank You cards, exchanging gifts, or acknowledging their presence in your life with a simple Thank you speech. 

You can get Thanksgiving cards from Greeting Card Universe or DIY one yourself.

3. Plan a Family Photoshoot

Thanksgiving is synonymous with family time. So why not capture beautiful moments spent together and treasure them through pictures? You could relive these memories down the years when you revisit these pictures.

You can also look into old family albums and reminisce about the golden days. We bet you’ll have some new stories to share with your family members, especially the kids.

Thanksgiving photoshoot
Image Source – Pixabay

4. Serve Thanksgiving Signature Cocktails

Image Source – Pixabay

Seasonal cocktails! Take Thanksgiving to the next level by preparing a pitcher of Thanksgiving sangria. It’s a refreshing drink and perfect for your Thanksgiving gatherings. Check out these Fall Sangria recipes you need to try on Thanksgiving day.

5. Play Thanksgiving Games

Nothing beats the feeling of indulging in some competitive spirit with your family and playing some games together. Here are the popular options you can try.

  • Thanksgiving Bean Bag Toss: To keep kids and grown-ups entertained during this festive gathering, hang a bean bag toss banner at your Thanksgiving feast! Adjust the height of the banner to suit the players’ heights and watch them be entertained for a couple of hours.
  • Thanksgiving Bingo: Most people love a good game of bingo! Print free printable Thanksgiving bingo cards for a Thanksgiving-themed round of everyone’s favorite game and enjoy!

6. Start Your Black Friday Shopping Preparations

Thanksgiving calls for Black Friday preparations, as this most significant shopping event falls on the next day of Thanksgiving. Make a list of the things you wish to buy and upgrade your home & wardrobe with your favorite products by shopping on the Black Friday sale. This means you’re gonna save more!

Black  Friday sale
Image Source- Pixabay

7. Make a Family Tree

While everyone is together, gather them around the table and start creating a family tree. Be sure to invite older family members so they can share their stories. This helps you know your roots and trace your heritage. At last, it is Thanksgiving, and you need to celebrate your family ties.

Make Thanksgiving the best time of the year by trying out these fun activities and coming closer to your loved ones.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Related Article: Thoughtful Thanksgiving Gifts To Bring Your Host