New Year’s Resolutions on Your Mind? Here’s How You Can Plan It

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New Year's resolutions

Let’s hit the gym and get fit this New Year“, “From this year onwards, I’m going to eat healthy“, “I will study hard, limit screentime and start the New Year on a positive note,” –  said most of us when entering a new year. We all might have made these New Year’s resolutions and failed miserably in following them. It’s common to set New Year’s resolutions and forget them within a few days.

To learn how to follow your New Year’s resolutions, read this article, as it will help you to achieve your goals!

What’s So Special About New Year’s Resolutions?

According to recent studies, humans have evolved from time to time when they want to meet goals, accomplish tasks, or solve a problem. To achieve desired outcomes and goals, people create short-term and long-term goals, make plans, and stay motivated. With that said, New Year’s Resolutions also help people to set goals and achieve them.

To shed some light on how famous people from our history reformed the lifestyle that we live today, we can look into the work of Graham Bell. He invented the telephone because he needed to talk to distant people. If you take all the inventions across the world, it was only possible because of their deal to solve problems by going through with their resolutions and their goal-setting skills.

Wait! You don’t need to set your resolutions or goals too high. Setting short-term goals and doing them bit-by-bit or phase-by-phase will help you achieve goals and solve problems. These goals can be as simple as waking up early or making your day more productive; all these are small steps toward a good resolution.

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How To Set Resolutions And Follow Them

One of the reasons people make resolutions on a New Year is that our mind always needs a fresh start when we do something new and what could be a better start than the New Year? To help you set up a resolution and follow it correctly, we devised a process that will give you clarity on how to do it.

1. Create a Resolution List

Make a list of things you want to start this year and remember, set realistic resolutions you could achieve, and filter them based on the categories. For example, to adopt a habit of reading books, make a note on the list. Also, write down how many books you wish to read, whether you would like to read fiction, non-fiction, academic books, etc. Be specific to keep yourself on track.

New Year's resolutions

This way, you will not forget the resolutions you have made, and it will also bring a positive attitude because when you have something written, you will surely think about practicing it.

2. Set Short-term Goals

Instead of going for something big, start with a short-term goal and work toward it daily to achieve it. Once you accomplish that goal, you’ll gain self-confidence, and then, you could set another goal.

For example, when you take reading a book as your New Year’s resolution, set a goal that you will read daily. You can also set the timing, place to read, mode of reading (books, ebooks, or audiobooks), and the number of pages or chapters you wish to read. This “One step at a time” process will help you gain confidence and give you the momentum to go further.

3. Set Long-term Goals

Having a short-term goal is good, but long-term goals help you grow and define your future. Set a resolution that involves you working towards your long-term goal and making it possible.

For example, for the habit of reading, know your purpose and what you would like to achieve with that. Are you looking to improve your vocabulary, learn a new skill by reading regularly, or are you looking to gain knowledge in a specific field? These will give you a sense of accomplishment daily as you know you’re working hard to have a better future.

4. Progress Calendar

New Year's Resolutions

Calendars to follow your progress comes in handy after a few weeks of working towards your resolution(s). You may not know how much you worked unless you have a progress report!

Similarly, a planner or a journal works great where you mark your progress for each day, and when you see it after a long time, you’ll be proud of yourself as you know how you worked for your resolution.

5. Reward Yourself

Don’t forget to treat yourself when you have reached a goal or achieved a resolution you’ve set! Rewarding yourself – taking time to go to a mini getaway, having a nice dinner in your favorite restaurant, or trying out a new activity from your bucket list are great ways to celebrate your wins and keep you motivated.

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We know it’s not easy to keep up with your New Year’s resolutions since we don’t always have the same motivation level the whole year. However, planning and staying focused on your New Year’s resolutions can help you achieve them. Write them down, set goals, and track and reward yourself!

Happy New Year!