The Ultimate Guide to a Plant-Based Diet: Save Money and Get Cashback with SmartyPlus

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eating a plant-based diet

Who doesn’t love to lead a happy, healthy, and sustainable life? Given the uncertainties of our current world, such as climate change, inflation, food insecurity, and the pandemic, more and more individuals are adopting a plant-based diet and lifestyle. Notably, the younger generation, including Gen Z, is seen to embrace a sustainable lifestyle by making conscious eating habits and choosing to follow a vegetarian, vegan, or plant-based diet. This positive shift towards sustainability offers hopes for a brighter future, as plant-based foods offer numerous benefits for both personal health and the environment.

What is a Plant-based Diet?

plant-based diet

A plant-based diet is primarily based on consuming foods derived from plants, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds while reducing or eliminating animal products like meat, dairy, and eggs. It is known to be rich in essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants while also having lower levels of saturated fat and cholesterol compared to a typical omnivorous diet.

While it’s proven that a plant-based diet improves health and longevity, you must have a balanced meal and consume a considerable quantity of protein, iron, calcium, and vitamin B12 by incorporating various plant-based foods in your diet. 

Also Read: Balanced Diet – Why is it Important For A Healthy Lifestyle?

Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet

1. Health Benefits

According to the Centers for Disease Control, over 42% of Americans are obese, and cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and Type 2 diabetes are at an all-time high. People are now looking to improve their overall health by altering their diets, and switching to a plant-based diet could be among the best solutions. 

plant-based diet for healthy life

Unlike popular belief, a plant-based diet is extremely nutritious and has numerous health benefits. Following are the health benefits you can reap when you switch to a plant-based diet:

1. Improves Digestion

Plant-based foods are typically low in fat and are easy to break down by the enzymes in our body, leading to a faster digestion process. It also notes that a plant-based diet is rich in fiber, which is beneficial for gut health and can help to promote digestion by improving bowel movements.

2. Lowers the Risk of Diabetes

Clean eating practices can improve your diet and help regulate the spikes in sugar levels, thereby reducing the risk of type 2 Diabetes. Furthermore, healthy fats found in plant-based food can improve insulin sensitivity, making it easy to manage diabetic conditions. 

3. Helps in Weight Management

Plant-based foods are packed with fiber and can help you feel full for a longer time. This can prevent you from eating junk food and help you control your calorie intake, which can assist in maintaining a healthy weight.

4. Prevent the Risk of Cancer

Antioxidants and phytonutrients in a plant-based diet tend to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in the body, and prevent the formation of cancer cells. Additionally, phytonutrients such as flavonoids found in fruits and vegetables are said to have anti-cancer properties and reduce the risk of breast, lung, and prostate cancer.

5. Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease

Plant-based food is generally considered to be heart-healthy due to the healthy fats and nutrients it contains. A plant-based diet can help to lower blood pressure, reduce bad cholesterol and obesity, and limit the risk of heart disease.

Also Read: Heart-Healthy Recipes That Are Easy and Yummy!

2. Environmental Benefits

plant-based diet

The benefits of incorporating plant-based foods in your diet are not just limited to health; they also help create a more sustainable food system in the following ways:

1. Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions

According to FAO, livestock farming produces 14.5% of global greenhouse gases, which is way more than what it takes in plant production. Moreover, animal farming mainly involves the emission of methane (the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions), whereas plant-based foods do not produce methane during their cultivation. Moreover, meat and dairy products are spoiled quickly and sent to landfills, increasing greenhouse gases. Contrary to this, plant-based foods have a longer shelf life and can be stored longer. Therefore, plant-based foods are environmentally friendly and emit fewer greenhouse gases.

2. Low Energy Consumption

Plant-based food usually needs less water, fuel, and other natural resources, whereas animal-based foods are energy-intensive and require more water and fuel for growing pastures and building & maintaining their infrastructure. This depletes the natural resources and becomes an issue in the long run.

3. Habitat Preservation

Animal husbandry occupies the major land share for grazing and pasture production, accounting for more than the total crop production worldwide. This land use can lead to deforestation and the release of carbon from the soil. We can reduce habitat loss by switching our eating practices and shifting towards a plant-based diet.  

Related Article: Eco-Friendly Habits: Saving the Planet and Your Wallet with Smarty

Grocery Shopping Tips for a Plant-Based Diet

A plant-based diet sounds exciting but isn’t easy. We know that! No rush. Go slow to change your lifestyle and start with your grocery shopping. Because what you bring from out is what goes in. 

preparing plant-based food

Consider including a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds in your meal plan to ensure a well-rounded plant-based diet. Here are some suggestions to help you shop for groceries more effectively:

  1. Plan your meals: Prep your meal plan before you go for grocery shopping and list down all the ingredients you need to make your meals. This will ensure that you don’t end up adding whatever comes on your way to your shopping cart and can follow mindful eating practices. 
  2. Buy in Bulk: Shopping in bulk is a smart choice. Buy plant-based products like legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds that have a longer shelf life in huge quantities so that you won’t have the urge to go shopping all the time. Bulk purchases also help reduce packaging waste and save you time and money. 
  3. Shop around the Outside of the Store: The perimeter of most supermarkets is stocked with fresh vegetables, whole grains, and other necessities made from plant-based foods. To avoid being tempted by processed meals in the inner aisles, try shopping at the outer corners of the store or opt for online grocery shopping.
  4. Choose Seasonal Food: Seasonal fruits and vegetables, undoubtedly, are the best add-ons to your daily diet. They are fresh and affordable and add natural flavor to your food, thus keeping your cravings for fast food at bay. Moreover, buying seasonal foods helps local farmers and reduces the transportation impact on the environment.

Save Money and Earn Cashback with Instacart and SmartyPlus

shopping plant-based food

It’s a common misconception that plant-based foods are expensive. While some products might go a little high in price, there are always some alternatives for affordable food, like cereals and beans. However, you don’t always have to put a dent in your wallet to get all your desired plant-based products. You just need to make smart shopping choices to stay on budget, like choosing Smarty for all your shopping needs. 

Using online shopping websites like Instacart can also help you save time and money on your plant-based grocery shopping. And when you shop at Instacart as a SmartyPlus member, you can save $12 each month. Additionally, you can even unlock coupons, cashback, and offers while shopping online with Smarty. 

Top Grocery Shopping Brands to Check for Your Plant-based Foods

shopping plant-based food

When it comes to shopping for food and groceries, one store doesn’t fit all. We all have different choices, budgets, and comfort levels. So here are some grocery stores where you might be happy to shop for your plant-based food:

  1. Target: With its promise of offering everything at the best price, Target is a go-to destination when you have to buy your plant-based groceries. With its extensive collection of products, you can shop for fresh plant-based supplies, meat substitutes, dairy-free products, or a plant-based protein food. You can order everything from the comfort of your home and even grab huge savings through their daily deals and sales. 
  2. Walmart: When we think of shopping, the first thing that comes to our mind is Walmart. Known for its vast product range available at affordable prices and spread across the geographies, Walmart is among the largest retailer that caters to Plant-based food. From fresh vegetables to whole grains and everything in between, Walmart has everything you need in the plant-based food category, making shopping easier for plant-based eaters.
  3. Kroger: Kroger is yet another grocery store where you can shop for plant-based foods on a budget. Order your favorite fruits, veggies, whole grains, dairy-free products, meat alternatives, and vegan food online using the Kroger website and enjoy a healthy and sustainable life.
  4. FreshDirect: FreshDirect, as its name suggests, is a one-stop destination for all fresh grocery needs, and this marketplace serves quality products for those following a plant-based diet. You can grab organic fruits & veggies, vegan or vegetarian food, plant-based dairy products, vegan-friendly snacks, meat substitutes, and ready-to-eat food online and get them delivered directly to your home. 
  5. Thrive Market: Thrive Market is a membership-based online store selling affordable organic and natural foods. A whole aisle is filled with vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free essentials, snacks, and even meat substitutes here. Thrive Market’s commitment to lowering the barriers to healthy living makes it an excellent option for those on a plant-based diet.

Also Read: Safe Online Shopping Tips: These 12 Tips Can Make Online Shopping Safe

Incorporating a plant-based diet into your lifestyle is a practical way to improve your health, safeguard the environment, and cut costs. Plan your shopping spree and save time and money. With little effort, you can lead a delicious, nourishing, and sustainable lifestyle and get cashback on your plant-based purchases using services like Instacart and SmartyPlus.